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Rush Money Became Viral Through Social Media in Indonesia

Interestingly, the issue of Rush Money became viral through social networking like WhatsApp, BBM, Path, Facebook and others.

What is Rush Money??

origin of the word "Rush" and "Money"

Rush means the flurry, fuss, panic, insistence,-

Money is money

so. The Money rush is a movement to pull the money together – either from savings respectively, and by a large amount, even there are also residing in savings or Bank in to spend until there is no remaining again giving rise to panic.

What to expect from Rush Money?

Heaven knows who gave, it's been repeatedly Rush to do Money issues (pick up and move the money in the bank). This issue of Rush Money really makes hurriedly nine dragons (large companies whose shares controlled by ethnic Chinese) because it can cripple the bank.

Why cripple the banks, not another business unit that owned nine dragons? Let's discuss the effects of the Rush for Money.

To tear down a building, no need to demolish walls, roof, and a pillar of the building. The trick is to select one of the pillars of the weakest. If the pillars crumble then building it will be cracked and the building was going to collapse.

The main pillar of the business is the bank. The Bank is the source of funds for the nine dragons to finance bisnis-bisnisnya. In addition, the bank is a business unit that is very fragile. "

so the sound message that became a viral moment

Eitss.. carefully we can reply this message why, we as users of social media should be more wise again, not to the origin of the spread or share something that we ourselves do not know it.


According to the Minister of finance, when rush money this actually happens will affect to the community

Check out what Sri Mulyani said,

"If damaging, surely that would be affected and suffer first and most small communities is poor. Therefore, careful in performing an action that could have been hurt and affect the interests of their own community, "said Sri Mulyani at the State Palace Complex, Central Jakarta, Friday (18/11/1999). (

Well.. now there are options in the US, but before the Act we observe, what is the impact of something that we do.

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